This phase and service package consists of an ensemble of activities that will dive into the core of service design. What is a customer-centric service? Why should the customers be involved in the process, and how to really engage them? Understand by doing.
VALUE: Understand why customer-centric service development is important: develop, enhance and increase your business by listening to and understanding your customers. Stand out among your competition.
BENEFIT: A small investment – a great benefit to future business
1 day package
½ day package, included in another event
Having a solid foundation of values means that we understand why we are here, what we view as important and where we want to go. This is the foundation on which we will base the value we want to bring to our customers, and which will help our customers create value in turn.
VALUE: Understanding the whole: the organization, the customers, and the competition. Knowing who we are, why we do what we do, and who we do it for.
BENEFIT: A clear action plan toward defined goals
Value workshops:
1st Workshop – Current situation
Before the 2nd workshop – Customer survey and information gathering
2nd Workshop – Goals
From actions to a clear operations model
The challenges and needs discovered previously will work as the foundation for developing current services and creating new practices.
VALUE: A workshop focusing on actual needs
BENEFIT: A controlled and focused brainstorming workshop makes further development easier
Ideation workshops 1-2 days:
- Defining the needs that will work as the foundation for the ideation. Choosing appropriate service design tools targeted for the needs.
- Conceptualizing the ideas for testing
A comprehensive customer-centric development process based on customer needs. Focus on improving current services or creating new ones.
VALUE: Creating a functional service for an established need.
BENEFIT: From words to action. We will do actual testing and real development instead of merely having fun at workshops.
An iterative service design process:
Listen, understand, ideate, develop and implement. A complete service design process where the needs are discovered, explored and understood before testing and actual development.
The process can be customized according to different needs.
Surprisingly often one of the more difficult stages in the development process is implementation, when after concept development we are left to wonder how to put the ideas into practice. But, when we plan the implementation and define the resources together, and communicate amongst all the stakeholders, the plan of action for implementation becomes clear.
VALUE: A controlled plan of action to help with implementation
BENEFIT: You will not be left alone with concepts and ideas
Evaluation is often forgotten when the focus is on development and implementation. It is extremely important to create clear goals from the get-go, document the development process every step of the way, and compare the initial goals to actual outcomes. Together we will define and develop indicators to measure the outcomes both from the business perspective and from the customer's point of view.
Collaboration with the Futures Specialists in the network.
VALUE: Making the development process visible and understanding the impact of our actions on customers and on the business. Learning form what has already been accomplished.
BENEFIT: Turning abstract into concrete